NAC Courses: Printmaking, Homeschool Session

NAC Courses: Printmaking, Homeschool Session


Welcome to Printmaking! This 6 week sequential learning experience will introduce students to the materials and various methods of printmaking. You will make a lot of amazing prints using different printmaking mediums.

Methods taught in this course will include:

  • Transfer drawing

  • Screen printing

  • Monoprinting

  • Lino printing

This Class will meet every Wednesday morning from 10:30am-12:30 from October 23rd to December 4th (No class on November 27th)

Jean Richardson will be the instructor for this NAC Art Course. She has received a BFA in Drawing and Painting and an MFA in Studio Arts. She has been teaching art for 15 years, and has taught students from elementary school aged up to the college level.

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